Freehand Voxel Carving Scanning on a Mobile Device
Alex Fish
Supervised by Aaron Wetzler
3D scanners are growing in their popularity as many new applications and products are becoming a commodity. These applications are normally tethered to a computer and/or require expensive and specialized hardware. Our goal is to provide a 3D scanner which uses only a mobile phone with a camera. We consider the problem of computing the 3D shape of an unknown, arbitrarily shaped scene from multiple color photographs taken at known but arbitrarily distributed viewpoints using a mobile device. The estimated camera orientation and position in 3D space obtained from publicly available SLAM libraries permits us to perform a 3D reconstruction of the observed objects. We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve a good 3D reconstruction on a mobile device.
Please, see project report.
Please, see final presentation.
Please, see project tutorial.