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Bringing meditation to virtual reality

Ola Awisat and Hala Awisat

Supervised by Michal Zivan ,Yaron Honen and Boaz Sterenfeld


This project is a part of the collaboration between Geometric Image Processing Lab (GIP) and the
Center for Graphics and Geometric Computing (CGGC) at the Faculty of Computer Science at the
Technion, and the Educational Neuroimaging Center (ENIC) at the Faculty of Education in Science
and Technology at the Technion.
The project aims to create an electroencephalography (EEG) based brain-computer-interface
(BCI) that aims to provide an environment to practice mindfulness in virtual reality.
The system we developed employs a virtual reality environment consisting of a realistic sea
environment. The system acquires EEG data in real time and determines the mental state of the
user. It then triggers positive feedback in order to reinforce the mental state of relaxation, and
negative feedback that brings the attention back on relaxing.
EEG data acquisition was done using Muse – an EEG device that measures the brain waves in real
time and transmits them on Bluetooth. Muse uses signal processing methods to transmit spectral
power in alpha, beta, gamma, delta and theta frequency ranges along with the raw EEG data.
Alpha relative value was then calculated and used to classify the mental state of relaxation based on
thresholds that we calculate and update in real time. States that indicated that the user is relaxed
triggered positive feedback in the scene, including but not limited to sunny weather and calm sea.
And states that indicated that the user is becoming tense and less relaxed triggered negative
feedback in the form of stormy weather and stormy sea.

Project Bringing meditation to virtual reality Picture 1
Project Report

Please, see project report.

Final Presentation

Please, see final presentation.


Please, see demo clip.

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