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Movement Analysis In Heart Tissue

David Berestetsky , Elad Tsur and Ofir Eldar

Supervised by Noam Rotstein, Idan Haim and Dr. Oren Caspi


Stem cells are being cultivated in Dr. Oren Caspi's medical research laboratory at the faculty of medicine. These stem cells are specifically categorized as cardiomyocytes. Using these cardiomyocytes, 3D tissues are constructed around two silicon rectangles. The movement of the rectangles is driven by the pulses generated by the tissues. It is established that there exists a direct correlation between the displacement of the columns and the level of force exerted by the tissue.
Optimization and Automation of Movement recognition on pre-captured lab videos.
The program will analyze the active force of the captured tissue, by recognizing the movement of rectangular-silicone implants inside of it.

Project Movement Analysis In Heart Tissue Picture 1
Project Report

Please, see project report.

Final Presentation

Please, see final presentation.

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